Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • • Exciting news & a restyled new website are dropping soon! Follow us on instagram for all updates • • • Big news & a new fresh website are coming soon! Follow us on instagram for our latest projects • • • Everything changes, yet everything stays the same • • • 2025 • • •
Workshops – KLASS —



We are always happy to receive workshops, talks and teaching requests.
Feel free to contact us info@bueroklass.de

past events


Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

Wer beschäftigt sich mit Grafik / Typografie und zu welchem Zweck? Welchen INPUT (Inspirationsquellen, RoleModels) haben Grafiker*innen? Unterscheiden sich ihre Arbeitsmethoden und wie schlägt sich das in den (typo) grafischen Arbeiten, dem OUTPUT, nieder?


48 xxperts
@ MKG Hamburg

Foto: Henning Rogge

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
17.02.2023  –  19.09.2023

Our 48 xxperts Calender was exhibited in the „The F*word Guerrilla Girls und feministisches Grafikdesign“ Exhibition at MKG Hamburg.

Feministin zu zine*

Zine-Workshop @ Freiraum des MK&G

Wir produzieren gemeinsam ein Zine und sprechen dabei über Typografie, feministische Haltung innerhalb von Gestaltungsprozessen und Zusammenarbeit. Als Arbeitsmaterial nutzen wir ein großes Konvolut von Buchumschlägen aus dem Bestand des MK&G. Das Hinterfragen der bestehenden Sammlung findet so eine praktische Übersetzung. Am Ende kann jeder Teilnehmerin ein eigenes „Feministin zu Zine“ mit nach Hause nehmen. Alle Materialien werden gestellt. Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.

Talk @ Typostammtisch

Foto: Hari Klein

„Für diesen Typostammtisch haben wir Büro KLASS eingeladen, denn wir wüssten gerne, wie Ana Laura Campos, Sonja Steven, Kerstin Tolpeit und Sarah Tolpeit ihre Arbeit zu viert organisieren. Sind sie wirklich ein feministisches Designkollektiv oder werden sie nur so wahrgenommen?“

15.06.2023 / Typostammtisch Hamburg

Designblicke: online Talk mit Julia Meer+


„Büro Klass gibt Einblicke in die Entstehung ihrer Arbeiten und die dahinterstehende Haltung, denn Ana Laura Campos, Sonja Steven, Kerstin Tolpeit und Sarah Tolpeit verstehen Gestaltung als ästhetische, aber auch politische und soziale Praxis. Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Gestaltung von Buchcovern sowie Editorial Design und visuellen Identitäten. Besonderes Augenmerk legen sie auf die Formen der Zusammenarbeit – sowohl untereinander als auch mit den Auftraggeber*innen.“

+ Kuratorin, Leitung Sammlung Grafik und Plakat, MK&G Hamburg

Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

In the second semester, together with the students, we develop a magazine on the topic of „Vice-Versa“.


Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg


The Making of 16 Designs

Foto: Claudia Höhne

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
03.06.2022  –  16.10.2022

Our Book Cover for Eva von Redecker „Revolution für das Leben“ is currently exhibited at the MKG Hamburg. The making of the design is shown through lots of drafts accompanied by an audio clip of us explaining the design process.

Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

In the second semester, together with the students, we developed a magazine on the topic of „Echo“. This was then produced in the HFBK’s prepress workshop.

Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

The Input > Output Seminar back in the classroom!


Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

The Input > Output seminar went into the fourth year.

AMD Akademie:

Visuelle Kommunikation III

The students of the product design program were introduced to the principles of graphic design and typography. As a semester project, they had to produce a print product that was „more than A5…“.

Tÿpo St. Gallen: Intuition
Workshop & Talk

We gave a workshop & talk at the 6. edition of the Tÿpo St.Gallen. Listen to our thoughts on the topic „intiution“ on this podcast -> geraumt podcast.

Workshop @Brandhaus Wuppertal

Sillkscreen event in the up- and coming new artist Space BRANDHAUS in Wuppertal.


Lecture Input>Output
@HFBK Hamburg

The students developed their own designs and in collaboration with the HFBK’s prepress workshop we printed a joint booklet. This gave the students an insight into the basics of print production and what it is like to realise a joint project.


Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

The Input > Output seminar went into the third round. We introduced the students to selected artists and graphic designers and their working methods. We also examined the form and content of some well-known fonts and the purpose for which they were originally created. In regular graphic exercises, their own graphic work was activated and the students learned to constantly develop their work and present it in the group.

Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

Due to the success of the previous seminar in 2019, this semester was again about creating a collaborative booklet on the theme of cause and effect. Students developed a practice of looking at and discussing each other’s work alongside developing their own work in the booklet. We also taught risography printing techniques and the basics of print production.

Workshops Posterdesign
@MKG Hamburg

We were invited to give a series of workshops on poster design at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. At the ‘DIY poster station’, participants were able to design and stamp their own posters on a specific topic under our guidance. Beforehand, we guided the group through parts of the exhibition ‘Das Plakat’ in the museum so that they could develop their own ideas and approaches. Further information here.

DIY Poster-Station
@MKG Hamburg

In the context of the exhibition ‘Das Plakat’ in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg we designed a DIY poster station in the exhibition room. Visitors are invited to use stamps to create their own poster designs or to reinterpretate a poster from the exhibition. Simple stamps made of rectangles of different sizes allow a great variability from letters to more complex image motifs.


Lecture Input>Output
@HFBK Hamburg

In the second year of the Input>Output>Input seminar series, we again looked at sources of inspiration in graphic design and art with typography as a basis. In the course of the semester, we examined certain typefaces and classified them in their artistic historical context. Selected designers and artists from this context were presented and discussed.


notamuse Release Hamburg:
Keynote talk

For the release of the book ‘notamuse’ in Hamburg (fux-Kaserne) we were invited to introduce our studio and our work. Afterwards we had a panel discussion about the position of women in graphic design and what it means to be a all-female studio with the notamuse editors Claudia, Lea and Silva. notamuse.de

Lecture Output>Input
@HFBK Hamburg

The seminar Output>Input was the continuation of Input>Output and built on what we had learned and looked at beforehand. The students developed their own designs and in collaboration with the HFBK’s prepress workshop we printed a joint booklet. This gave the students an insight into the basics of print production and what it is like to realise a joint project.


Lecture Input>Output
@HFBK Hamburg

In the Input>Output seminar, we dealt with the sources of inspiration and role models of graphic designers and artists. In the course of the semester, various personalities working in the fields of graphic design/typography were introduced or invited for discussion. What are their working methods and how is their personal INPUT reflected in their (typo-)graphic work, the OUTPUT? We trained our eye and learned how to use sources of inspiration for our own practice.


design protest

On the occasion of the G20 conference in Hamburg, we invited to a protest poster workshop. Participants were able to design and produce their own protest posters using stencils we designed and materials we provided for them.

2013 – 2019

KLASS Happenings

Every year we invite for a get-together to our office: Happening & Häppchen, Into the Piñata, 4 wins, popcorn experiments or walls full of balloons.


Meeting ghosts @MKG Hamburg

For the opening of the exhibition ‘Hokusai x Manga – Japanese Pop Culture since 1680’ at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, we designed and produced templates for paper masks that visitors could cut out and put on. We also designed flyers and invitation cards for this ghost meeting event at the museum.