
The Old Town Coast revives and blossoms! The interdisciplinary initiative „Altstadtküste“ (Old Town Coast) focuses on Hamburg’s historic old town centre, its special conditions and challenges as well as its hidden potentials with regard to a liveable, green and socially just city.
For the Altstadtküstenfest 2021, we developed a shimmering visual that is reminiscent of water and islands; surfaces overlap and are recombined for different media such as programme posters or programme flyers. In 2022, the colour in the visual grows out of itself. (In cooperation with Franziska Opel)

Media: CI, website, flyer, poster, stage banner, social media graphics
Category: Public and municipal
Client: Reallabor Altstadtküste
Title: Die Altstadtküste lebt auf / Die Altstadtküste blüht auf
Year: 2021 & 2022
Typeface: Engravers Gothic, HK Grotesk
See also: